Griffith Clean Up Weekend
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1 Aug 2015 (All day)
The Griffith City Council Environment & Sustainability Committee’s Annual Griffith Clean Up Weekend is coming up. The Annual Griffith Clean Up Weekend is to be held on Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd August 2015.
This year the Griffith City Council Environment & Sustainability Committee would like to invite you to register your own clean-up site with Clean Up Australia.
Individuals, schools businesses, groups or organisations can organise a Clean Up site by:
1. Identifying a space in your local area that needs to be cleaned up. It can be the local park, street, a local waterway or bushland.
2. Register your site with Clean Up Australia as an ‘every day clean-up site’. To register your Clean Up site, visit or call 1800 282 329. You will be sent a FREE Clean Up Kit enclosing bags, gloves and other important materials to help coordinate your site.
3. Contact Griffith City Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Renae Foggiato by fax 6962 7161 or email to obtain the relevant form to ensure your rubbish is collected following the clean-up.
4. Round up members, friends and family to help.
Please contact Griffith City Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Renae Foggiato (02) 6962 8100 for further information.