Dung Beetle Workshop
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Where: 'Tulangi', Boorowa
Presenter: John Feehan
BCLG is hosting a workshop with Dung Beetle expert, John Feehan at 'Tulangi' the property of Gary and Anne Johnson. John has been working with Boorowa landholders for many years. Dung Beetles have proven to be extremely effective at nutrient cycling, building soil organic matter, improving soil aeration and water infiltration, reducing worm burdens in livestock and sequestering carbon.
There are 17 species of dung beetles suitable for the Boorowa area. They effectively bury cattle, horse and some sheep manure (e.g. moist spring droppings, lactating ewes droppings etc.). Bubas Bison is a northern Mediterranean species that was introduced by the CSIRO into Australia in the 1980s. It is active from May to August each year and is well suited for the winter rainfall zones of Australia. The species has an amazing ability to thrive in very moist soils.
John Feehan can supply this species in starter colonies of 1,000 beetles. His price compares well with the price of a tonne of super and can have longer lasting effects. This species of dung beetle will be available for sale on the day.
For more information about Dung Beetles and John Feehan, visit http://dungbeetleexpert.com.au/
For more information and to RSVP, contact Heather McLeod.
P: 02 6385 1018 | F: 02 6385 1061 | M: 0459681018
A: PO Box 13, Boorowa NSW 2586
E: landcare@boorowa.net