Australasian Bat Night
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1 Mar 2015 (All day)
Time to get inspired

The Australasian Bat Society aim to debunk the myths and fears associated with bats, and demonstrate how better conservation measures can not only help protect our native bats but also assist people to live alongside our nocturnal neighbours!
The Lesser Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi)
The inaugural Australasian Bat Night was first held in 2012. In 2013 and 2014 bat specialists again teamed up with community and local government groups to hold nearly 100 bat events during March and April throughout Australia and New Zealand.
In 2015 the ABS are once again encouraging communities across Australia to hold bat-themed events throughout March and April, to raise awareness of the vital role bats play in our local ecosystems, and the importance of bat conservation.
Suggestions for events include: Bat walks, night-time cycling events, talks by bat ecologists, species surveys, evening picnics in bush areas to watch the bats emerge - and more!
Visit the Australasian Bat Society for more information and ideas, and be sure to register you Bat Night event.
Learn some Bat Facts.