Lachlan Fold Great Cocky Count
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19 Feb 2016 (All day)
From LFWAG Chair Rod Guest:
The aim of the event is to gather as accurate as possible figure of the population of GBC's.
This best way to ascertain this is by having a mass bird count all at the same time and during summer when they come into drink at dams in the last few hours of the evening. By having a count at the same time and recording the time, place and numbers will give us a very good idea of the GBC population in our area.
It doesn't matter whether you are a member or not or if you want to keep your GBC population to yourself and not have outside people involved on your property, monitor your own dams and supply us with time and numbers only if you are concerned.
• Let us know if you have suitable known watering points that you or other people can monitor.
• Can you assist with the count and how many people.
• The Rankin Springs/ Naradhan area we have no idea what birds could be there as very few people have given us info.
• LFWAG will supply Meals and some drinks after each count if we can get an early idea of people who will help.
If you can help please email me or ring 0427 487601 or 69661295
Hope to get plenty of replies
Rod Guest