Integrated Native Vegetation Management Project
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The Riverina Local Land Services (Riverina LLS) region contains a number of remnant native vegetation communities including the endangered Inland Grey Box Grassy Woodlands, Weeping Myall Woodland, Buloke Woodland and derived grasslands.
These woodlands are critical to the health of our region, supporting a diversity of plants and animals and providing on-farm production benefits when integrated into farming systems. Once common across Eastern Australia, these woodlands have been highly cleared and fragmented and are vulnerable to further decline.
With funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, Riverina LLS is offering opportunities for landholders to take positive actions to protect and restore these native vegetation communities across the Local Government Areas of Hay, Carrathool, Murumbidgee, Leeton and Griffith.
Funding is available to landholders for a suite of on-ground works including:
- Protecting areas of remnant native vegetation
- Re-establishing corridors of riparian and terrestrialnative vegetation
- Undertaking coordinated rabbit control