Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting
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6 Aug 2015 - 7:00pm
Where: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Hall
Guest Speaker:Matthew Higgins, Canberra Historian
Topic: Biodiversity in the region, from Canberra to the High Country
The next Murrumbateman Landcare Meeting is on Thursday 6th August, 7pm at the Murrumbateman Recreation Hall. There will be a talk by Matthew Higgins on biodiversity in the region around Canberra to the High Country.
Matthew will give an illustrated presentation mainly on the natural values of the straight-line route between Canberra and Mt Kosciuszko, looking at animals, birds, plants, geology, water, snow, fire, climate and some underlying human stories of our high country. Cultural aspects of some species' stories will be discussed, and a little bushcraft thrown in. As well as celebrating biodiversity along the route, the talk will look at several key issues including feral species, local extinctions and climate change threats.
Matthew is a Canberra historian who has worked at many of our national cultural institutions. His latest book Rugged beyond imagination: stories from an Australian mountain region (NMA Press), was shortlisted for the ACT Book of the Year Award, and he has been writing articles in the Canberra Times for over 30 years. His still photography has been broadcast on ABC television and his short nature documentaries have been seen at film festivals around Australia. Matthew is passionate about the high country, and he bushwalks and cross-country skis as often as opportunity permits.