Bush Heritage Australia - 10 year science plan launch
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Gerard O’Neill, Chief Executive of Bush Heritage Australia, cordially invites you to the launch of Bush Heritage Australia’s ten year science plan to save native species.
Bush Heritage Australia is announcing a ten year science plan to ramp up the fight against Australia’s extinction crisis and save native species and their habitats.
Bush Heritage is looking to double our research capacity to protect threatened species, reconnect and restore habitat and address threats likes feral animals.
Our reserves and partnerships around the country provide field laboratories for the vital research and conservation work that is needed to save Australia’s threatened animals and plants.
One in three of Australia’s surviving mammals is now threatened with extinction and science is vital to finding ways to better protect them and the natural systems on which they depend.
Please join us on Wednesday 8th April as we launch our ten year science plan.
Lunch will be provided and guests will hear first-hand about the conservation work being done by Bush Heritage staff and partners on Scottsdale Reserve.
Special guest speaker will be Professor Hugh Possingham, director of Australia’s ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions and the National Environmental Science Program Threatened Species Recovery Hub.
When: Wednesday 8th April, 2015.
Time: 10.30am start, concluding 2pm.
Where: Scottsdale Reserve, NSW.
Dress: for an outdoor event.
RSVP: March 31st, 2015
Enquiries to: Annette Ruzicka – aruzicka@bushheritage.org.au
Directions, maps and transport options will be provided to confirmed guests.