Riverina Highlands Landcare Network

The Riverina Highlands Landcare Network (RHLN) is a grass roots umbrella organisation representing landcare, landholders and the general community in the Tumut, Adelong, Gundagai and Batlow region. |
The Riverina Highlands area is geographically diverse ranging from sub alpine areas north of Kosciusko National Park through to grazing and grain belts on the south west slopes. The main natural resource issues affecting the region include:
- Declining water quality due to willow encroachment, stock access and stream bank erosion
- Declining soil fertility associated with problems such as acid soils, gully erosion & dryland salinity
- Weed invasion especially from Blackberries, St Johns Wort and Paterson's Curse
- Native vegetation decline
- Drought and climate change
The RHLN is supporting landholders and Landcare members to address these problems through:
- organising collaborative projects
- seeking resources, such as funding, to undertake on ground works
- improving landholders' skills and knowledge through a regular newsletter, field days, information nights and training days
- hosting an annual dinner
- managing a community Nursery
The RHLN has 3 key objectives:
- to protect and enhance the Riverina Highlands landscape
- to support Landcare Members
- to encourage involvement in Landcare by the Riverina Highlands community.
The RHLN is supported by an Executive Committee. For further information contact:
- Chair, Riverina Highlands Landcare Network - Nick Austin, Email: nick.austin@bigpond.com
- Land Services Officer (Riverina LLS) - Cherie White, 6941 2253, cherie.white@lls.nsw.gov.au